Pedagogical POWER in 7 Easy Steps

4 min readAug 6, 2021


Finland Math is a pedagogical concept that makes mathematics learning and teaching more effective, fun and engaging. It considers placing students at the centre of the learning process and engaging the teacher as the expert ‘guide on the side’.

Is Finland Math any different to math around the world? Well, wherever in the world that you happened to be educated, you’ve learnt certain systems and processes for completing mathematical tasks. When we refer to Finland Math, we’re talking about the pedagogy behind the implementation of math rather than the processes of completing tasks.

Finland Math can be distilled down to 7 main aspects. These aspects don’t just refer to math and can be applied to other subjects as well. We’ve summarized them below so that you can reflect on your own classroom and test which aspects might blend well with your classroom activity.

  1. Student-Centered Learning: This is a difficult skill to master so be patient and provide help and support for students. Encourage teamwork. Keep in mind that independent work does not necessarily mean working alone.
  2. Stress-free learning: Ask your students to stand up and move regularly and have a brain break. The brain needs rest too! Embrace a positive atmosphere and create a warm learning environment by providing positive feedback and recognizing students’ efforts. Think about testing. Are you testing for testing’s sake or to enhance learning? When you do choose to use tests, remember to provide meaningful feedback to your students aside from the actual marks.
  3. Personalized learning: Create your own version of differentiation even if you don’t have access to Eduten’s technology. Can you form smaller, flexible groups within your class? Can you set up learning stations? Can you assign peer leaders to teach each other the concepts? Visualize goals and progress. Stickers and stamps are also great tools for gamification.
  4. Deep Understanding and Creative Problem Solving: Instead of verifying students’ answers by simply stating “correct” or “incorrect”, ask them further questions. Questions such as: “How did you come to that conclusion?” or “Can you explain how you came up with that answer?”. Often, it’s not just about the answer but how it’s justified along the learning process.
  5. More Time for Teachers & Focused Support for Students: This is where platforms like Eduten Playground glide into your classroom to enhance your teaching and create more effective time use. Digital learning tools with automatic assessment and rich learning analytics free teachers’ time so they can spend time with their students. Digital learning tools also enable better feedback and focus via efficient identification of the strengths and weaknesses of each student.
  6. Growth Mindset: Help children understand that mistakes are a normal part of learning. Mistakes should not be dwelled upon, except through questions that focus on what the student can learn from their mistakes. Become aware of the language you and your student use during and after challenging situations. For example: Rather than, “I can’t do these math exercises!” consider using phrases such as: “I can’t do these exercises yet.”
  7. Create and cultivate a team learning culture: Let your kids talk to each other every now and then, while keeping the focus on the task at hand. Communication between students can also be an effective way of learning.

So there you have it. Finland Math’s top seven tips for pedagogical POWER. No doubt you’re probably doing a few of these things already. Is there anything new you can apply to your math classrooms after reading our list?

If you’re itching to get Finland Math (and a slice of Finnish education) into your classroom, sign up here for a free, four week trial of Eduten. 90% of our trial users continue on with the platform because they immediately realise how important a tool it is for their everyday math practice. Join us!

Hey, did you know that we also have a podcast about Finnish Education Perspectives? All of our guests are the best experts in Finnish education. Listen to it through your preferred podcast channel here.

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Written by Eduten

Writing about edtech by night, developing our own digital learning platform by day. We are Eduten, a spin-off of University of Turku, a top 1% university.

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